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Agnisumukh Resurrects Grandma’s Magic

Fire is the most sacred, pure and potent element in Panchabhuta as it cannot be polluted whereas, the other elements i.e. Earth, Air, Water and Space can. The other element when polluted gets purified only in the presence of fire and that is why in Indian Mythology Fire is termed as “Pavak – Purifying element”, and is used for venerating God in all rituals.

“Pavak – Purifying element”, and is used for venerating God in all rituals.

A chef was born when two stones were rubbed together for creating fire and cooking on charcoal. Even today Chefs swear by charcoal for gourmet cooking and cannot forget their grandmothers for brewing magic in her cook pot.

When it comes to the platform of cooking, there is complete unity in the cuisine world that charcoal heat is unmatched. The whole exercise of Agnisumukh innovation will explain why our research aimed to bring back charcoal heat experience of Grandma’s cooking through modern fuel – LPG, Natural Gas and Bio-Gas.

Everyone is very nostalgic about grandmother’s cuisine when it comes to tasty food. The cooking on modern gas fuel world is finding a deep void in its cuisine experience. Agnisumukh Innovation has unraveled the secret sauce hidden as a technology. The secret of olden day practice is as under:

  • Depending on the size of cook pot a burner was prepared by placing three stones.
  • The pots were usually low height with wide bottom with little curve at the center.
  • The fuel used was charcoal or fuel wood which turned charcoal which gave uniform convection cum radiant heat.

The practice may sound innocuous but has treasures of hidden knowledge. The burner preparation ensured uniform heat to the bottom of the pan so that heat transfer will be uniform inside the pan. Whereas, the wide bottom cook pots not only ensured maximum surface area for heat transfer but also ensured that weight of the food at top will not crush the food matter below it. It also ensured that sufficient space is available for food to expand vertically and horizontally protecting its molecular structure. The curvature in the cook pot ensured that with least amount of oil and water, food can be cooked. The oil and water will move due to gravity at the center by creating circular motion producing dry heat and steam for uniform heating. This process ensured that food can be cooked with its own moisture while preserving it after cooking.

Here comes a big mystery, ready to be unfolded in the field of thermodynamics emerging from charcoal heat. The National Aeronautical Space Administration discovered Far Infra Red Rays (FIR) as the safest and most beneficial light wave. The principal source is our Sun. FIR has amazing properties as this form of heat belongs to good spectrum of light. The properties of these radiation wave is that water is an obstruction, where FIR gets entrapped in its molecule and starts vibrating at a frequency of 300GHz to 30THz. The FIR is superior to microwave and induction which runs on magnetic wave as the frequency of these waves is only between 300MHz to 300GHz. This is why when we cook on any frequency wave technology, the heat transfer is directly to the focused medium where one can see boiling water inside and experience that the pan will be comparatively cold when touched from outside. In order to know the immense healing powers of FIR one can just browse the Internet and loads of material validating it will pop-up from great scientific institutions especially from Japan.

Now it is to be seen how present combustible gas fuel technology destroyed the fundamentals of good cooking. The modern gas fuel generates pressurised centric heat with a linear flame. With this feature the cook pot has to suit the burner without uniform heat. The heat transfer is through conduction which is devoid of generating FIR. This is why a user touches the outer surface of the cook pot to know the temperature within the cook pot. This method of heat transfer created two big limitations for thermal efficiency and uniform heat transfer.

Uniform heat is the core of thermodynamics. For uniform heat transfer the platform of energy through steam, electricity, microwave or induction is not at all an issue but when it comes to gas fuel it is still an unaddressed challenge. For uniform heat the base equipment should have wider girth or surface area for maximum heat entrapment. This feature does not pose any problems in different energy format except gas fuel as the present gas fuel science is built on a linear vertical flame with high pressure. As the gas fuel format could not produce uniform horizontal heat all the equipment like cook pots or steam boiler got designed vertically instead of horizontally for efficient heat transfer.

The biggest challenge in gas fuel technology is automation. While cooking on an electrical, microwave or induction platform, a user can just set time and temperature and forget it. But while using the LPG format the user is still on manual mode. The user is always gripped with fear that any spillage or the blowing air may switch the flame and mishap may occur. Automation in gas fuel has not taken place as it is still a flame technology and not heat technology. At any pressure, the flame generated from gas fuel whether it is one square inch or hundred square inch will have the same calorific value of heat. Placing a sensor will not detect variable temperature. That is why automation was possible on other heat format except gas fuel conduction format.

Agnisumukh research team over a decade has filled this big chasm in the gas fuel science as uniform radiant heat with highest energy efficiency can be delivered in horizontal platform with low pressure. This phenomenon ensures faster heat transfer and increased safety in operation. As our innovation has transformed into convection heat format, automation becomes amenable with available smart technologies.

Earth, a clay pot, in its womb carries the molten metal emitting radiant heat. Nature gets recreated when a clay pot while cooking mimics this process, by having charcoal emitting radiant heat underneath. The power of the radiant heat disinfected food and increased the shelf life, while direct exposure to radiant heat made her vibrant. This is how grandma brewed magic in her cook pot and also stayed healthy.

Agnisumukh team is humbled to unearth the hidden science of Grandma’s magic of cooking on charcoal which was being silently practiced over centuries. Getting the magic back on modern fuel platform is the proudest moment for Team Agnisumukh.

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